2017 Chevrolet Cruze

  • 2017 Chevrolet Cruze

    Chevrolet Cruze
    Service Date
    Services Performed
    • verified customers concern and found battery has no voltage. checked oil and coolant leak. when pressurizing system coolant was escaping from water outlet. found oil leaking from oil pans (upper and lower) as well as valve cover. upon further inspection noticed throttle body soaked in oil. removing air duct found oil dripping from duct. this indicates the turbo is internally leaking. REPLACE AGM BATTERY, WATER OUTLET AND THERMOSTAT, RESEAL OIL PANS (UPPER AND LOWER) AND VALVE COVER. REPLACE TURBO ,INTERCOOLER AND NECESSARY SENSORS. *NOTE* RECOMMEND COSTUMER TO PUT HIGH OCTANE FUEL DUE TO VEHICLE SITTING FOR PROLONGED PERIOD OF TIME TO CLEAN FUEL SYSTEM
    • LONG BLOCK – Remove & Replace – 1.4L Eng,Turbocharger,Automatic Trans – [Includes: Recover, Evacuate and Recharge Air Conditioning System. DOES NOT include wheel alignment.] – [Consists of a Cylinder Block fitted with Pistons, Rings, Connecting Rods, Cran
    Nick L. gave our service a 5 star review on 1/23/2025


Auto Xperts
564 E Silverado Ranch Suite 104
Las Vegas, NV89183
(702) 263-7250

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