2014 Chevrolet Impala

  • 2014 Chevrolet Impala

    Chevrolet Impala
    Service Date
    Services Performed
    • Verified customer concern found the A/c compressor is not engaging checked the pressure on both high and low side found the system is low on freon evac the system and noticed its low by half a pound recharged the system to spec and tried running the A/C the compressor clutch still did not engage checked for power and ground both were present at the A/C harness rec replacing A/C compressor and expansion valve and recheck
    • AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM – Complete Charge – [Includes: Air Conditioning system recover, evacuate and recharge.]
    • A/C COMPRESSOR – Remove & Replace – 2.5L Eng – [DOES NOT include Air Conditioning System recover, evacuate and/or recharge.]
    Paris B. gave our service a 5 star review on 7/12/2024


Auto Xperts
564 E Silverado Ranch Suite 104
Las Vegas, NV89183
(702) 263-7250

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